The purpose of the Caucus recommendation process is to procure candidates and elect to NEA office persons who are interested in the development of a better educational system which includes knowledge of and sensitivity to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues.
Only candidates who are interviewed by the Candidate Recommendation Committee shall be considered for recommendation.
The committee chair(s) shall schedule all interviews to be conducted during the NEA-RA pre-conference.
Each candidate will be sent a set of questions, developed by the committee, to be answered and returned to the chair of the Candidate Recommendation Committee prior to the Representative Assembly.
After completion of all scheduled interviews, the committee shall vote to recommend candidates for NEA office. It shall be the policy of the committee to recommend only one candidate per opening. The committee may make no recommendation for an office if no suitable candidate is found.
The recommendations of the committee shall be presented to the Caucus no later than the third business meeting of the NEA-RA.
Endorsements shall be determined by a simple majority of active members voting at the meeting.
Endorsements shall be announced to members and candidates immediately following the meeting in which the vote took place.
All candidates for NEA office shall be invited to speak to the Caucus during scheduled Caucus meetings of the Representative Assembly.
The Elections Chair may bring forward endorsements of previously endorsed incumbent candidates.
The Candidate Recommendation Committee may propose early endorsement of incumbent candidates to the Steering Committee under these circumstances:
1. The candidate has been previously endorsed by the Caucus.
2. The candidate demonstrated support and advocacy for the Caucus and its activities.
3. Such endorsement is approved by a super majority vote of the Steering Committee.
A. The purpose of the Guy DeRosa Book Fund is to assist LGBTQ+ youth in the host RA city.
B. The chairperson of the Guy DeRosa Book Fund committee will create a list of groups who work with gay, lesbian, transgendered, and bisexual youth in the area of the upcoming NEA-RA. Caucus members in that area may be able to assist in locating groups who are in need of contributions.
C. The chairperson of the Guy DeRosa Book Fund committee will create list of potential recipients with background information (e.g. purpose of the group, activities of the group, number of youth served) for each group and share it at the mid-year meeting and make a recommendation to the Steering Committee.
D. The Steering Committee will determine the recipient of the Guy DeRosa Book Fund.
E. The chairperson of the Guy DeRosa Book Fund committee will schedule a RA date and time to award the donation.
F. The Guy DeRosa Book Fund is a restricted donation. Recipients will purchase LGBTQ+ inclusive materials. The Caucus may request a summary of the recipient’s implementation of the funds.
1. The safety and health of our members is the highest priority. The Caucus should approach governing during a declared national or natural disaster by following all government health directives and advisories, even if this causes disruption to how we would ordinarily govern ourselves.
2. In accordance with NEA, if an affiliate is operating under a government directive or advisory that limits the gathering of people to 10 or less, then it is strongly suggested that meeting agendas are reduced to items of urgency and importance, and all other items are set aside until a regular in- person meeting can be held.
3. The Caucus Steering Committee may change the standing rules governing meetings to allow for more flexibility during national and natural disasters.
4. As a result of the current crisis, the Caucus Steering Committee has authorized the following changes, modifications, and recommendations to bylaws, election procedures, and standing rules until the conclusion of the crisis. Upon conclusion of the crisis, the Caucus Steering Committee will make recommendations to the membership regarding permanent changes to bylaws and election procedures in the case of a declared national or natural disaster. Any permanent changes to the bylaws shall be approved through the bylaw amendment process currently in Caucus Bylaws. The below changes are only authorized as temporary during the crisis: